Beacon Bible Camp

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Introducing... Brio Blogs!

This summer, one of our incredible summer staff is taking over the Beacon Blog! Emma “Brio” Deinum will be bringing you highlights of our summer 2020 program, Beacon Unlimited. This week, she’s introducing herself to you all!

For as long as I can remember going to camp, I’ve always wanted to be there for as long as I could. Even if that meant staying an extra week to be kitchen staff - because I loved being at Beacon as a camper or as a volunteer. One thing was for sure, I couldn’t wait to be summer staff and be up at camp. That summer has finally come… sort of.

My camp name is Brio and I love music, hockey and popcorn. I’m one of the summer staff team members for 2020. However, this year, camp is online (cue sad face). This summer is very different from what I was planning for and expecting, but I know I can always trust God and that He has a plan for all of us even when it seems impossible to be at camp. It will be a summer like no other, and with not being able to physically go to camp, I still want to help alongside some other incredible Beacon staff to help campers and families experience Beacon.

After countless Zoom meetings and brainstorming sessions for Beacon Unlimited, I’m really excited for how this summer is going shape up. While the summer staff job this year isn’t resembling the regular duties of lifeguarding or cleaning facilities, this gives the summer staff team a chance to use a set of skills the next staff member might not be as comfortable with. It’ll be a fun new experience for Beacon staff to try and connect with campers and teach God’s word. As much as I would love to be at camp, Beacon Unlimited will be really exciting for campers and volunteers in the sense that we get the same old Beacon we love, with so many new aspects. I still find it very ironic that our tech free camp is now completely relying on tech to operate. [Kodiak’s edit: I second that!]

Yes, camp will be very different, but it’ll be a good different. There will still be connections between campers and cabin leaders, fun cabin time games and great teaching and lessons for the ENTIRE summer. That’s one thing that Beacon Unlimited definitely got right. A whole summer of fun with so many ways to connect with the Beacon Community and learn more about God.

Sooooo. I thought it would be even more fun to do weekly posts! Share some ideas and thoughts, fun facts, talk about the theme and maybe some of my favourite (and embarrassing!) camp stories and memories. And who knows? Maybe do a contest or a poll once in a while too.

Now, I’m really excited for the Beacon Unlimited summer projects, especially Pen Pals. It’s been a tradition of mine since I first went to Junior Girls to send letters in the mail, and one I tried to carry on by sending mail to my Junior Girls cabin from last year. Some might say that sending mail might be slow and pointless, but getting a letter never fails to put a smile on my face. Fun fact: I always send my letters with paper snowflakes.

As the first week of camp gets closer and closer, I’m excited for everyone to see what Beacon Unlimited has in store. So in preparation for the first week’s theme, I’ll tell you my favourite Olympic events. I have to say my favourite winter sport is hockey, but my summer sport has to be diving. And yes, I am most definitely a pro diver after many belly flops off the high diving tower up at Beacon.

Until next time,
Brio :)