Beacon Bible Camp

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Week 6: Amazing Heroes and Rescues!

This summer, one of our incredible summer staff is taking over the Beacon Blog! Emma “Brio” Deinum will be bringing you highlights of our summer 2020 program, Beacon Unlimited. Here’s a recap about Week 6: Amazing Heroes.

Amazing Heroes was a blast! Week 6 was filled with some great new electives along with some older favourites, and of course some awesome cabin times. Let’s see what happened this week at Beacon Unlimited.

In Superhero Training Club, campers made up their own heroes and made costumes out of paper and cardboard. From utility belts for their swords to a super cool helmet and chest plate made out of cardboard, it’s safe to say campers learned a little bit more about superheroes and the work it takes to make their cool outfits. Campers and leaders also discussed their favourite superheroes, and debated who would win in a fight against each other. Logic even made a costume for his teddy bear! There was also the return of the Mafia elective, but it was a Hero Version. A hero would be the doctor and a villain would be the mafia. One day, the mafia was the Green Goblin from Spider-Man and another day it was a T-Rex! Every day there were new roles added in the game until there were only two people left as citizens, a fun way to mix the game up a bit!

In the Reading and Relaxing elective, campers did many relaxing activities like making an exfoliating face mask and doodling. They read some fun short stories and also read stories from the Bible, and had some discussions about what they read. Another fun and calm elective was Board Game Creation. This was a fun, craft based elective and throughout the week, campers each created their own board games. There were many creative additions including spinners and homemade dice. The final products ranged from trivia games to fun games with challenges. 

Dash had lots to say about what went on in her elective: “In Amazing Rescue Stories, we got the chance to have interviews with an emergency nurse, volunteer firefighter, lifeguard, medical doctor, and army veteran. We learned about how they got started in these roles and what it takes to be an everyday hero. One of the biggest things that each person stressed was the importance of teamwork - helping people is rarely done in isolation. It was very inspirational to hear from all these people, and I would say one of the highlights was getting to see the firefighter gear up in all his equipment and demonstrate some tools! All of the people that we interviewed have been volunteers at camp - we talked to Capriccioso, Tyger, Han and Bender, as well as Steven who has come up to camp as a lifeguard instructor at Skills Camp.”

Last but not least, the LEGO Strikes Again elective. I had a lot of fun participating in this elective, but I think Kodiak has even more fun than I did! Here’s what he had to say: "It was really great bringing back LEGO this week - our Minifig heroes were put into precarious situations every day, and then we had our campers build their way out of the problem! From jumping out of an airplane (and building a parachute) to building a bridge over lava, it's been a fun time of creativity and joy for both campers and staff!"

Well, another week has passed, and now there’s only two weeks left of camp! It seems like just yesterday I was introducing myself on the blog, but with each new week comes a new theme, and Narnia week was very fun to prepare for. I had the Summer Staff to do a dramatic reading of a couple scenes from the Narnia movie, and we had a great time using our acting skills on a Zoom call. Speaking of Zoom, if you haven’t heard, there's a virtual campfire taking place on Wednesday, August 26th at 7pm. This is an opportunity for everyone to come and enjoy some Beacon spirit, but make sure to sign up (here) on the Beacon Unlimited website! We hope to see you there!

Until next time,
Brio :)