Beacon Bible Camp

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Where Are They Now: Bones

It’s hard not being together. All the staff and volunteers feel that at Beacon so very much. We thought we’d try to help keep things “together” by inviting some of our camp family to share with us about what they’re doing in their lives!

This month, we’re interviewing John “Bones” Horlings - an amazing friend of Beacon and current Junior Boys camp director!

(PSSST: if you want to tell us what you’re up to these days, we’d love to feature you on our blog!)

What has "pandemic life" looked like for you over the last year?

Over the past year my life has for the most part has looked the same with the exception my level of social interactions and mask utilization. Initially my work did shut down for two months where in that time had the opportunity to assist on our family farm. I was truly grateful to spend extended time with my immediate family and go back to my roots getting my hands dirty. A blessing in a pandemic! Since June, I was called back to work and we have remained opened throughout the second lockdown. In my evenings and weekends, I have spent the majority of my time continuing with my basement renovation. When allowed, I enjoyed playing a shortened baseball season with close friends and having small social distance gatherings/bonfires in the warmer weather.

Did you have any curve balls or unexpected moments?

When we shut down in March 2020, it was quite unexpected and weird to wake up without the responsibility of work. Aside from learning how great it is to wear sweatpants all day, it gave me an opportunity to appreciate the quiet pace and ultimate rest. Being one to keep myself busy, it was a pleasant reminder of the importance to be still in life and turn to God. In the summer of 2020, my family had the opportunity to witness my nephew’s baptism during an outdoor service. Though far from the traditional service, being outside with family and a few close friends made for a special moment.

What is a lesson that God has been teaching you during COVID?

One key lesson or reminder God has taught me this year was the importance of church gatherings and the power of the church. With virtual services for the majority of the past year, I experienced the challenge of still feeling connected within the community. At the same time it has brought a new joy and thankfulness for the times I have been able to attend in person. Physically being in church and immersed in the community was something I took for granted. Reaching beyond the four walls of the church, God has reminded me of the power the church has as a group of people rather than the building. Even at times without a physical building, our community and small group gathered online and still praised His name! Together our church was able to look outward during Christmas and support a local charity. By January we raised 50K and numerous household items for a youth shelter in Guelph which seemed crazy when so many face financial uncertainty, yet God provided as he promised. Through we face the trial of closed doors and an ever changing world, God still is the same loving and gracious God today as he was yesterday and will be tomorrow. Amen!

What's up for you in 2021?

In 2021, I hope to take on a new opportunity at work which will involve more of a leadership role within the company. Although nervous at times, I look forward to the new challenges and ways to grow within my profession. Lord willing I hope to have the opportunity to celebrate two weddings for close friends in some way sharp or form.

How can we be praying for you?

Please pray that the border will safely open so my family will be able to visit my sister who resides in Buffalo. Pray that for my work opportunity goes well and I can use it to further glorify God in what I do. Lastly, give thanks that my family and I have remained healthy and will continue to do so as some of us have higher exposure jobs! God is good!