Beacon Bible Camp

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Camp Crew Update on... SHIMMER!

In today’s blog post, we get to have a virtual chat with another one of our Camp Crew 2021 members - our very own Shimmer! I am sure you will be super encouraged after reading her answers to our interview questions - God is good, and he is faithful!

Hi Julia! I mean, Shimmer! What are you up to these days?

Currently, I am finishing up my first year at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

What’s the best thing about your school right now?

The best thing about school right now is the people. My friends and I like to study together by drawing things out on whiteboards and teaching each other the concepts. Not only is it more fun to study with other people but we feel like teachers and ensure there’s time for a Second Cup coffee break between teaching each other complicated topics. Another thing that I enjoy about school these days is my anatomy lab – we get to work hands-on with specimens that are fascinating. I am always blown away by how incredibly intricate God has created our bodies to be; saying that they’re pretty cool is an understatement.

What is the last great book you've read and why?

Hmmm… good question! I’ve not had much time to do leisure reading these days but I have been making my way through reading “Present Over Perfect” by Shauna Niequist. Emily “Heaps” Shields suggested I read it. It is about letting go of the striving, hustling-and-bustling, busyness/success-focused lifestyle to embracing God’s calling for our lives to be present, focused in the moment, and with our eyes continually fixed on Him. I love this book because it has challenged me, convicted my heart, and helped me to critique the areas of my life where I get consumed in a worldly cycle of busyness, rather than pursuing a Jesus-focused life. Preferably enjoyed with a chai tea (or any tea of your choosing) and a seat by a window.

What is your favorite meal these days?

Being a student on a meal plan, I have to say that my favourite meal is anything homecooked! Moving away from home has made me appreciate my parents’ cooking so much more – I especially love my dad’s homemade pasta (my mouth is salivating as I am writing this).

What is a good piece of advice you've received lately, and from whom?

“Enjoy the journey” has been a piece of advice that I have received from my dad for so long and he has recently reminded me of this advice again. As much as there are times that I will take this piece of advice with an eye roll and a “I get it, Dad, you’ve told me this before,” this piece of advice is filled with so much truth that I need to be continually reminded of. It is about staying present and joyful in the journey that God has set before us and is about appreciating the blessings even in the moments that seem tough. This year has had its ups and downs but reflecting back, I see that even in the tough moments, there were beautiful moments too. More than ever, God has used those moments to show me so much love through the people He put into my life. So passing on this piece of advice to you (yes, you) reading this, enjoy the journey, stay present, and enjoy the process of God guiding your life!

What is your favourite memory from Summer 2021 at Beacon last year?

Suzie, you can’t ask this kind of question – there are too many memories to choose from! This questions should not be allowed. ;) If I had to choose one, I’d say that my favourite memory was singing and dancing in the rain to the "Power Shuffle" during the Rolling Thunder family camp. It was a spontaneous moment that involved taking life’s lemons (i.e. the bad weather) and making some lemonade (i.e. DANCING!). It is a memory I will hold into for my whole life.