Beacon Bible Camp

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Camp Crew Update on... CIRCUIT!

Today we get to share one final 2021 Camp Crew update with our Beacon community. Sit back and enjoy this catch-up with our very own Circuit!

So, Justin - I mean Circuit - what are you up to these days?

I just finished my second year of Computer Engineering at Queen’s University in Kingston Ontario. I have been exploring what job I want to do this summer, and I have decided to work at a boating company in Tobermory called Blue Heron. I will be helping to sell ticket for boats, keeping the company buildings clean, and I might even get to be crew on a few boats!

What is the best thing about your school right now?

The best thing about my school has definitely been Power to Change. It is a student lead Christian organization dedicated to helping students find a relationship with Jesus and helping students grow in their faith! I enjoyed my Bible study every week with my five guys, and I also loved the Connect events every Friday where we would just hang out and have fun with other Power to Change people! I have also been involved in another campus community called Geneva House. They are a similar organization to Power to Change, and they have had weekly socials on Sundays that I have also really enjoyed!

What is the last great book you’ve read and why?

I’ll be honest, I don’t often read books. I would like to, but whenever I’m reading, I always fly off in my own thoughts while continuing to read the words on the page. When I realize that I have been reading without actually paying attention to the book, I have to go back and re-read what I have already read. That being said, I have been really enjoying my Bible reading in the book of Acts. It is so interesting to read about the stories of the early church and about how God used the disciples and apostles to spread the word of Jesus all over the nation of Israel and beyond. I just read the part where Paul and Barnabas had a disagreement that caused them to go separate ways. They might have seen that as a bad thing, but I think it was a good thing for them to split up and go separate ways so that they could share the gospel with even more people!

What is your favorite meal these days?

As a university student who doesn’t have much time to make big elaborate meals, I would say it has to be spaghetti. It’s quick and easy to make, you can make a lot and have leftovers for the next few meals and if you make it right it tastes really good!

What is a good piece of advice you’ve received lately, and from whom?

“It hits you when you least expect it” – Sam

“Don’t sweat the small stuff” – Tim

“Worship is not about feeling” – Andrew

As you can see, I get a lot of advice from a lot of people, and I couldn’t choose only one. The first one is from my housemate Sam. He was talking about love when he gave me that advice, but it can be expanded to all kinds of things. One way to use that advice could be for someone looking for an answer from God. Maybe you keep asking him something and you feel like he isn’t answering, but maybe he is trying to answer it and you just aren’t listening. Make sure you are always listening and prepared to get an answer from him.

The second one is from my previous youth pastor. Tim has been a mentor to me for a long time, and he told me this advice when he was talking about the church. He was saying that so many churches divide over the smallest things that won’t matter at all when Jesus returns. It was interesting to reflect on the things that I have made a big deal of even though a lot of that stuff doesn’t matter that much.

The last one is from my friend Andrew that I met during Geneva house events. I was talking about that feeling you get when you’re worshipping God with all your heart. After I spoke about that, he gave me that advice. He meant that you could get a feeling, but that isn’t what worship is about. Worship is telling God that he is everything, and sometimes he will give you that feeling, and sometimes he won’t, but that feeling is not what worship is about.

What is your favourite memory from Summer 2021 at Beacon last year?

I don’t like this question because there are so many awesome memories, but I would have to say that it was when Shimmer and I did the “Getting ready” skit during the talent show at the first family camp! It was the funniest moment of my entire summer. I loved it so much because I love getting in front of a group of people and giving them a good laugh! I may have swallowed some toothpaste, and the clean up afterwards was not very fun but it was totally worth it!