Beacon Bible Camp

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Monk's Musings: God Listens and Answers our Prayers

When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said… “Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” ACTS 4:24,29-30

We are halfway through the Summer Camp Season! Five camps done, and five to go. We have also experienced multiple challenges and multiple answers to prayers. At the last camp, we heard how God’s people repeatedly came together in the book of Acts to pray together to God. And God always answered their prayers. In ways they were not expecting, and often in ways that were uncomfortable and involved suffering. But the Sovereign God of the Universe stooped down to listen to His People. And He promises to do the same for us today! Yes, God answers our personal prayers, but even more so, the prayers of His People when we come together as the Church of Jesus Christ. That is why congregational prayer is so important to Him. Do our actions show that it also important in our lives?

We would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who regularly pray for Beacon and the campers and the cabin leaders and the session staff, and the many volunteers who make camp possible. We too have experienced some amazing answers to your prayers. We want to give God all the glory for doing so. But we also want to thank you for standing in the gap and interceding for us all before God’s Throne of Grace. One of the amazing answers to prayers is that during four of our camps so far this year we have had reports of campers who have taken the decision to trust in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour! And so we unite our voices with those of the early disciples quoted above, that the Lord would continue to enable his servants, teachers and cabin leaders, to proclaim His Word, the gospel message with great boldness, despite any difficulties or challenges or trials we may face. That God’s Word would continue to be wonderfully confirmed by transforming lives and saving souls for His glory and our joy.

So thankyou, once again, for praying for us all at Beacon Bible Camp. And be encouraged to make it a priority to meet with fellow believers to pray together with one mind and heart. God is waiting for us to pray, so that He may answer.

With grateful and encouraged hearts,

Andrew “Monk” & Marianne “Tia” Nunn