Beacon Bible Camp

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Monk's Musings: God’s Good Promises Never Fail

““You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.”

Joshua 23:14

About 3400 years ago, God used Moses to take Israel out of slavery in Egypt, lead them for 40 years through the Sinai desert, and bring them to the Promised Land. Afterwards, Joshua led the 12 tribes in the conquest battles that allowed them to take over this land that “flowed with milk and honey”. Towards the end of his life, Joshua called together the elders, leaders, judges and officials and challenged them to remain faithful to the LORD their God, to love Him with all their hearts, and to keep separate from the idolatry and immorality of the pagan nations. Then he reminded them how God had kept His promises to them, yes, every promise had been fulfilled!

As we look back in our own lives, we too can confirm that all God’s good promises towards us have been fulfilled. And at Beacon Bible Camp we also gratefully acknowledge that He has kept his many promises, brought us through the winter camps, and is preparing us for the upcoming Spring and Summer season. The fact that He has been faithful in the past gives us confidence to trust Him for the unknown future. I don’t know what challenges you may be facing, but I know the Lord wants you to trust Him and follow His will for your life, so that we too, may experience the “milk and honey” with which He wants to bless us. That does not mean there won’t be trials and difficulties, even deep sorrows to face. But it does mean that the Lord wants to work all things out for the good of those who love Him. And it also means that we can be strengthened in the knowledge that He keeps his promises.

So I encourage you during this spring, as buds appear and nature is renewed all around us, to fix your eyes on Jesus and to trust in His good promises. Take steps of faith and renewed service for God, trusting He will come through for you, and that His purposes for good in your life will prove true. And here at Beacon, as we gear up for a new season of camps, and as we begin work on the new Maintenance Shed, pray for us so that we too will trust the Lord and count on His promises to bless his work, so that His Name might be exalted, and He would get the all the glory, and we would rejoice to see Him bless many campers and staff this year.

With all our best wishes to you all,

Andrew “Monk” & Marianne “Tia” Nunn