Beacon Bible Camp

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Calling All Camp Nurses: We Need You!

Well, if I'm honest, it's not just nurses: we could use a doctor or an RPN instead! 

(Also, can I just say that the instructor in the image I found above looks a lot like my grandma?)

This year at Beacon, we want to step up our game in terms of the type of medical staff that we have on site for our campers. It will help us in so many ways: we'll have directors and cabin staff who are more relaxed, knowing that the professionals have got it under control. Campers always feel better when they know there's a dedicated staff person looking out for all their medical needs. All of this pales in comparison to how good parents will feel knowing that we have a nurse or other medical staff member is at camp for the week. 

Beacon maintains a good relationship with our local health clinics and hospital (by that, we mean that we very rarely have to send anyone their way!), and so we also keep to our minimum standards of having Standard First Aid-qualified staff for all our camps, with extra help just a short drive away. Still, some parents have campers with slightly more complex medical needs, and we'll be able to welcome them at camp this summer if you join us! 

Joining us as a camp medical staff this summer consists of three main tasks: 

  1. Managing camper medication during the week: this means that you'll be available to greet parents when they arrive, talk about their child's medication, and then fill out our medication schedule so that everyone gets the right meds at the right time. 
  2. Staying on-call during the day for any acute incidents that require medical care: cuts, bruises and tiredness are all a part of camp, and we want to make sure that we treat campers as soon as possible.
  3. Being available to get a general feeling for campers' health. For example, you may want to take a stroll around the Dining Hall during lunch to see if there are any bumps or bruises that haven't been reported. These preventative check-ins go a long way to ensure camper health for the whole week. 

If this sounds like something you may be able to commit to for one week (or more?) during the summer, we'd love to talk to you. We promise that the week will be a rewarding experience for you as you serve God using your skills and talents. You can take a look at our staff page to see which weeks still need medical staff, and let us know you're interested by filling out an application on our staff portal.

If this doesn't apply to you, but you think you know someone who would be willing to help us out, please pass this blog post on!