Take Your Pulse: It's Vital Statistix!
While we're transitioning to new roles and plans at Beacon, we thought we would introduce to someone who has been hard at work for Beacon in the past, but has agreed to come alongside us in an official capacity at Beacon's Accounting Technician.
Elsa van Kampen (camp name: Vital Statistix) is no stranger to Beacon: she served for many years in the Beacon office with Woody and Timber, helping with all sorts of things. Since stepping back from that role, she has continued to live in the Muskoka area, and with all her financial acumen, has been a big help to many businesses and individuals. As recently has as three years ago, she helped with our financial year-end, to make sure everything lines up properly. Now, she'll be taking over the day-to-day financial recording and tracking, which will keep us happy all year long!
As the rules regarding charities and financial propriety continue to become more and more stringent, we want to make sure that Beacon presents a very clear record of good financial stewardship. We have always been very careful, but Elsa will be able to make sure that we're doing the very best, each day.
We're looking forward to announcing more plans in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, welcome Vital Statistix! Thank you in advance for all the work you'll do to keep us going.