Beacon Bible Camp

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Staff Saturday: Brittany So and Sarah Triemstra

One of Beacon's greatest blessings is our amazing staff. To celebrate them, and introduce you to who they are, we feature them on our blog: Staff Saturdays! This is our last Staff Saturday for the year, but we'll be back in September with more fun! 

Brittany So and Sarah Triemstra
Camp Name: Burt (Brittany) and Dino (Sarah)
Lives: Toronto, ON & Gravenhurst, ON

Last summer, what camps did you attend or serve at? 
Both: Senior Girls!

Can you share a funny or special Beacon memory?
Brittany: I have so many Beacon memories! The most memorable was probably when I was summer staff in 2009. One particular moment that sticks out to me was returning from lifeguarding with Sarah to our shared cabin (just moments before dinner) and discovering the other summer staff had covered our entire cabin floor with cups of water. We could not enter our room until emptying each individual cup. And since we were in our bathing suits, we also could not go to dinner until we emptied the cups! (see photo below)

Sarah: My first time directing with Brittany So! Some highlights were:

  • Dressing up as my dad for twin meal (see photo below)
  • Being made fun of in the end of the week talent show and seeing all the hilarious costumes and skits the girls came up with.
  • When I left a day early and the girls gave me a whole receiving line of good-byes. 

What are some things you hope to do between now and the summer?
When I am not working as an Occupational Therapist, I hope to recruit lots of amazing staff for Senior Girls 2017!
Sarah: Plan Senior Girls, spend lots of time outside and go camping!

Share some of your Beacon favourites with us!
(a) Favourite activity to watch in action
Brittany: The infamous Senior Girls Messy Day.
Sarah: Messy day!
(b) Favourite part of the day
Brittany: Worship
(c) Favourite meal
Brittany: Chicken a la king. Also, every themed meal at Senior Girls (which is a lot)
Sarah: We have a meal where the girls get to suggest themes for next year and it's so great to see the ideas they come up with!

What advice would you give to someone volunteering as staff at Beacon for the first time?Brittany: Your campers look up to you and follow your lead. If you put your whole heart into an activity or event, then your campers will too.
Sarah: We know counselling is exhausting, we have done it too! Don't be afraid to come talk to us directors, we want to help you!

If you know someone you want to see featured on Staff Saturdays, or you want to be featured yourself, email us at