Summer Wrap-Up: Junior Girls
We were so excited to welcome the Junior Girls as our first camper week of the summer! It was fun to watch everyone jump into the action during a very hot and summery week. Here are a couple of highlights from Dash's perspective:
Favourite Memories: Junior camps are such fun because of the campers' eagerness. This was evident in the singing times; I really enjoyed the campers' voices and the musical accompaniment from the cabin leaders. We celebrated Canada Day with some fun down at the beach, including a short firework display! Another fun memory was seeing all the creative activities going on for the Tuesday electives day when the campers got to choose from pioneer times, escape rooms, slime making, bath bombs, water games, archery and baking.
Silliest Memory: Girls camps love their post-meal clapping games. Junior Girls are still in the perfecting stage of doing the different clapping sequences in rhythm with each other; by the time they get to Senior Girls, it's a very coordinated effort, but at Junior Girls, it makes me smile to hear the off-beat claps by the end of the sequence. However, everyone is loving it, so it doesn't matter at all!
Meaningful Moments: During the lessons, the teacher Mango put up hand-painted puzzle pieces to go with her lesson each day, build an almost complete puzzle by the end of the session to symbolize the things we can know about God and acknowledging that we will never figure it all out until heaven. It was a beautiful visual reminder of the truths of her lessons.
The Weather Report: Scorching hot? Check. Incredibly muggy? Check. Constant sunshine? Check. Lots of water-drinking reminders in the dining hall? Check. Freezies down at the beach to help everyone cool down? Check. Fans on all night? Check. Still had fun anyways? Double check!
We were sad to see this fun, energetic bunch of girls leave at the end of the week, and were thankful to God for the gift of such a wonderful time together!