Beacon Bible Camp

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Summer Wrap-Up 2019: Agape

What do you get when you combine the end of July with a bunch of awesome families? Agape Family Camp!

We were thankful to have a full camp at Agape, with every possible cabin and lodge being used. There were many returning faces, as well as some new ones who seemed to fit in immediately!

A couple rainy times meant that the fire ban that had come into effect the previous week was able to be lifted. No event was ever rained out, though; each afternoon the sun shone brightly and lent its warmth to the beach front activities. The weather even provided a bit of entertainment on the final afternoon with an unexpected whirlwind that kicked up with enough power to momentarily lift and drop a canoe - something that no one had ever witnessed at camp before!

During morning class times, youth classes could be seen listening to engaging lessons and working on amazing crafts that represented many cultures and countries and cultures around the world, complimenting the week’s focus on places where followers of Jesus are persecuted for their faith. During the adults’ lesson time, they had the opportunity not only to hear from a combination of great speakers (Rowan Fraser and John Tadros), but to also engage with questions in small groups.

Agape, you were a wonderful session to host! Enjoy the rest of your summer, and may the encouragement from God’s word and the enjoyment of the community that you experienced stick with you!