Beacon Bible Camp

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Week 1 Summary: What an Olympic Start!

This summer, one of our incredible summer staff is taking over the Beacon Blog! Emma “Brio” Deinum will be bringing you highlights of our summer 2020 program, Beacon Unlimited. Here’s a quick thought about Week 1: The Olympics.

What a great first week of virtual camp! Campers and leaders from all over were having a blast this past week! I had the opportunity to see what everyone was up to in their zooms calls this week, so here’s a little recap of Beacon Unlimited - Week 1: The Olympics.

I was acting as a camp photographer and got to hop in and experience the fun in all the different activities there were to choose from. Aside from some great conversations and devotionals in cabin time, there were also some great memories made in the morning and afternoon electives.

In Poetry Fest, campers were having fun writing and playing with Mad Libs, and in Olympics Stories there were some special guest speakers who had competed in the Olympics and were sharing their experiences! With the fun continuing to the afternoon, Logic and Shimmer were playing some really fun games in Active Fun, while another elective group were learning to make bracelets in Bracelet Bonanza. I made a pretty awesome bracelet if I do say so myself… The final electives of the day were Minute Olympics, which had campers competing against each other and working as teams with some crazy challenges, and in Tie Dye for the Win they made some really cool artwork and even tie dyed their popcorn for a snack one day. So many great electives campers got to experience this week, and every leader I’ve talked to has been having a blast as well.

So Week 2 here we come! It’s been really fun making videos with the summer staff in preparation for each themed week, and I think the structure theme for this coming week is probably my favourite. I’ve loved building structures with LEGO my entire life and also seeing huge structures like the CN Tower or the Eiffel Tower. Fun fact: I’ve been up both those towers, even though I’m kind of afraid of heights.

After such a great first week of camp, my fellow summer staff worker Shimmer and I decided to catch up and chat. We’ve known each other since coming to camp in Junior Girls, and were reminiscing on some of our favourite memories throughout the years. One story in particular was from the summer of 2017, while we were on our Wilderness canoe trip. That year, there were three different trips that went to The Massasauga Provincial Park, Mass North, Mass Mid (my trip) and Mass South (Shimmer’s trip). Each trip was taking different canoeing routes but at the end of the trip we were all staying in campsites right across from each other. We could easily canoe across the lake to visit our friends from camp and share our highlights from the camping trip.

Shimmer and I got to talking about a war that took place between the trips which we’ve all named “The Chicken Nugget War”. Basically, one of the leaders on my Mass Mid trip brought this squeaky dog toy, in which my friend named Chicken Nugget. Campers on the other trips started hearing about this toy and when shown the toy, a camper stole it from our canoe! This led to a giant chase, there were boat chases and canoes being sunk (we did our canoe over canoe rescues though, it was good practice) and we were running around our campsites trying to get this dog toy. At one point, Mass Mid stole all the paddles from Mass South before a truce was called. The truth is, Mass Mid won the war. However, if you ask Shimmer, Mass South won, which isn’t true whatsoever.

Shimmer and I have loved being campers and love all the memories we made, and we both love counselling as well. Even though we’re not at camp, we still love getting to be involved as summer staff with Beacon Unlimited. We’re super excited for the rest of the summer and can’t wait for this coming week!

Until next time,
Brio :)