Beacon Bible Camp

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Monk's Musings: Follow the Lord Through the Mists!

This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength” … Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:15,21.

The days are growing shorter and colder, and we’re into the season of mists, frost, snow and ice. Beacon Bible Camp is often shrouded in fog, which transforms the scenery, hiding the well known landmarks. Summer seems so far away, almost like another life, quickly fading into the past. This reminds me of seasons of life that we all go through. There are the busy chapters with lots of voices and colour and activity. And then there are the foggy episodes where we easily loose our bearings, where anxiety nags at the back of our thoughts, where loneliness or confusion or depression and a niggling sense of regret erode the edges of our soul. Times when we wonder about the future and feel restless and insecure. Times when lengthening shadows seek to overwhelm the light on our path.

28 centuries ago, the prophet Isaiah experienced all these things also. And God entrusted him with a message for His people, that is still valid for us today: To open our heart and life before God so that He might correct and forgive where needed, and help us to rest upon Himself, to find our strength in trusting Him, to listen to His persistent whisper just behind us telling us the way in which we should walk. To remember we are not alone. That He is present, whether we feel Him or not. Like the sun above the grey clouds, He is always there, whatever the weather in our soul.

Unfortunately, Israel did not listen to the prophet’s message and tried to plow ahead following their own stubborn hearts. The rest of the chapter warns them of impending destruction and disgrace. And years later God let them reap the sad consequences of their misguided paths. So may we all take warning and take encouragement, and wherever we are at in life, faithfully listen to God’s voice, and follow Him, in whatever season or chapter we may find ourselves.

With a warm greeting from us both and from the rest of the Beacon Team,

Andrew “Monk” & Marianne “Tia” Nunn