Beacon Bible Camp

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Camp Crew Update on... HEAPS!

Today we continue our Camp Crew Updates series, and we get to check in on Emily (Heaps) Shields to find out what she’s been up to recently. Enjoy this sneak peek into her life!

Emily, what are you doing these days?
I'm a small business owner!! I design fashion--altering cringe-y vintage pieces into something people actually want to wear nowadays! I discovered the concept of 'upcycling' when I was studying in Australia a good decade ago. Besides the fact I thought it was environmentally genius, it was a way I could creatively express my love for the country and its impeccable fashion! Now I also do it to provide alternative clothing options for folks wanting to boycott sweatshop-produced fashion. My store exists online so you can check it out for yourself ( I'm biased, but I think you'll at least get a good chuckle out of my 'before' photos!

What’s the best thing about your job right now?
Being self-employed allows me to be flexible with my schedule. I particularly appreciate being able to give myself quality time with God before I start my workday! I found with previous jobs that when I dawdled at any point during my morning routine, it cut into my already short time with God before having to leave for work. Now I can stay working later, or take a shorter lunch to make up the time if needed!
I actually also have a part-time job at a vintage clothing store in downtown Kitchener to help me make ends meet right now. Besides being surrounded by decades of top notch clothing, I love interacting with cool, quirky locals, and am excited to be a light amongst them!

What is the last great book you've read and why?
'The Best Christmas Pageant Ever' by Barbara Robinson. When I was a youngster, my Mom would read it to us at Christmas time (it's a short, children's chapter book). She loved it so much that she bought my sisters and I our own copies. I hadn't read it in a number of years, so this past Christmas I cracked it open. It's about a "heathen" family who bully their way into participating in a church's Christmas play--just for the snacks! They've never heard the story of Jesus' birth before, and wind up helping the congregation connect with it in a fresh, real way as they discover the beautiful truth behind the season for themselves! It's funny, and really gets you thinking!

What is your favorite meal these days?
Anything that goes with green beans haha! (Specifically green beans sautéed with butter, salt and a heap of garlic.) I just can't get enough of them!! My mouth salivated while I typed that descriptive sentence haha!!

What is a good piece of advice you've received lately, and from whom?
God doesn't need our good works, our neighbour does.”
It was on a social media post/story from Sydney Missionary and Bible College (that's where I studied in Australia). They were quoting someone reputable from history. I can't quite recollect who, and I can't find it anymore...

What is your favourite memory from Summer 2021 at Beacon last year?
One glorious, warm, sunny day off, a whole bunch of us [Camp Crew] took the stand-up paddle boards out on the lake. We ended up linking together--each of us holding the board beside ours with a foot, leg or hand. As the wind and current floated us along, we played one of my all-time favourite games (eeek--the name escapes me)! Basically, Person A comes up with a sentence and whispers it to Person B, who makes up their own sentence based on what they just heard and whispers it to Person C, etcetera! After everyone has had a chance to make up their own sentence, each person shares what their sentence was, and the revealed story is HILARIOUS!!! Lots of laughter :)