Beacon Bible Camp

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Monk's Musings: He Has Done Great Things!

“Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’ The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” Psalm 126:2-3.

There are many reasons for us to be joyful and praise the Lord! The words above were sung by the Jewish captives who were returning to Zion after many years of exile in Babylon. They had wept bitterly, but now God was restoring them. God had accepted their repentance and graciously brought them back to the place of His Presence. Ultimately this also applies to all of us who are followers of the Lord Jesus: We’ve been rescued from the chains of sin and death. We’ve been forgiven and restored, and God’s plan for our lives is a good one - close to His Presence. Not an easy plan, but a good plan. There will still be trials, but He promises to be with us. There will be joy through the tears as we see Him do great things in our lives. Likewise, the past few years may have been difficult for Beacon, but He has brought us through, and this year Beacon celebrates 60 Years of experiencing the great things He has done! Good reason to laugh and sing for joy!

So let us look back and remember the great things He has done in each of our lives. Not because we are great, but because He is. Not because we are strong or faithful, but because He is. Not because of our weak love for Him, but because of His infinite faithful love for us. Let us cultivate an attitude of gratefulness and of joy. Thankful for His past mercies and blessings, joyful for His presence with us, and trusting Him for the uncertain future we all face. Take a few minutes to sing a joyful song to His Name. Take a minute to pray and praise Him for the great things He’s done in your life!

Let us also express our thanks to those God has placed in our lives to encourage and build us up. Perhaps a cabin leader, or a school teacher, or a youth group leader, or a faithful listening friend. God has done great things in our lives through them, that this is reason to sing for joy, and thank God - but also to thank them! Take a minute to reach out, make a personal phone call, send a hand written card. You may bring a song of joy into someone else’s heart today!

With our best wishes for a spring of joy and singing to Him,

Andrew “Monk” & Marianne “Tia” Nunn