Beacon Bible Camp

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Coming Soon? Women's Retreat! (2019?)

Spring is always an amazing time of year for new things: the birds are chirping (definitely), the sun is shining (mostly) and the snow is melting (well, sort of). With the promise of fresh life and renewal in the air, we thought this was a perfect time to bring you something new as well: the potential for a Women's Retreat in 2019! 

We've had a great and growing Men's Retreat for the past three winters, and we've had a couple of inquiries about whether we're offering the same thing for women as well. As a volunteer-driven organization, Beacon has always depended on folks stepping up to lead our various sessions and programs, and we'll need the same thing if we want to get a Women's Retreat going next year. 

Do you think you have the skills and passion to help get the retreat off the ground? We've already had some Beaconites offer to support the development of the weekend, but we're looking for a leader (or leaders) who will be the face of the session. Could that be you? 

Here's what we know already about the retreat: 

  • we think it would work best if the weekend happened in the winter or spring (summer and fall are already heavily booked)
  • we want to keep things available for adults at this point (we already have Mother/Daughter for families), and would like it to be accessible to women of all generations from 18 and up
  • the weekend would mimic many of our other fall/winter sessions (Friday to Sunday), but there's also room for flexibility for those who might only be able to join for a day

We're open to suggestions and ideas for how to make a Women's Retreat happen next year. If you're the person who might be able to lead that program, please reach out to Alyssa LaRocque ( and we'll take it from there! If you're not able to lead, please pray that God would clearly guide us as we figure out if this is the right time to get things started.