Lighthouse Update - February 2019
Luke LaRocque
As we get closer to the summer, we’re excited for the upcoming Lighthouse Renewal! If all goes according to plan, then this will be the last summer for our Lighthouse in it’s current configuration. We wanted to take a quick moment to thank all the donors who have contributed so far - big and small, every single donation makes a difference and is a huge encouragement to us. As of February 23, we’re at about $180,000 raised for our renovation of the Lighthouse, and we’re planning some fun ways to reach out to the larger camp community in the next few months.
A recent donation came in for the new Lighthouse that was a beautiful testimony from the Lord. Without sharing all the details of the donation (because it really doesn’t matter) - I was deeply encouraged to see a gift that was clearly all that the person was able to give - and it was received with joy and thanks. As I reflected on the idea of giving, I was reminded of a passage from the book of Luke:
“Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box,and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”
God cares very little for whether we give a lot or a little to His Kingdom’s work. He cares very much, however, about our attitude. Are we giving with joy? Are we giving in a way that stretches us to have faith in Him and His ability to provide for all of our needs?
The gifts that we have received from the Beacon family are amazing. We work very hard to keep our camp fees low so that anyone can afford to get to a camp session. Our cabin leaders, kitchen staff, program staff and directors volunteer countless hours of their time and often donate physical gifts as well. All this means that when we are working to build like we are with the new Lighthouse, we know that it is a stretch for many of you, but that you give freely and joyfully anyway to help us reach more campers for Christ.
I guess there’s only two things to say: Thank You and Praise God.