Beacon Bible Camp

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Summer Wrap-Up 2019: Junior Boys

It’s always a joy to watch Junior Boys at work - or rather, I should say, play.

There’s something special about first-time campers, especially at a young age. Challenges exist, and when some campers are away from home for the first time, the volunteers have to work hard to make sure that they feel comfortable, happy and safe.

Thankfully, the Junior Boys staff are there to fill the gap and make camp a great experience for everyone! Whether it’s wrestling with campers in the shallow end of the swim area, or teaching a young man how to fish, the cabin leaders always make me smile. They are a dedicated caring group who rise to the challenge every time!

A few highlights for me as a camp director watching the action this year:

  • welcoming an expert angler, David Chong, who taught and shared about how to be the best fisherman possible

  • the amazing homemade fishing rods that each cabin made as a part of their weekly challenge

  • watching the Junior Boys wrestle on the lilypad (but pay attention very carefully during number calls!)

  • trying to avoid all the times that one camper who kept jumping in front of the camera when I took pictures (I’m looking at you, Nathan Ennema - proof is below!)

Overall, it was an amazing week, learning so much about how God worked through the life of Peter. We can’t wait for next year!