Beacon Bible Camp

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Christmas Insights: The Nunns

Entering the Christmas season is an opportune time to give you a taste of what the Beacon onsite team members and their families are up to at this time of year! This week, we get insight into the life of new Executive Director Andrew “Monk” Nunn and his wife Marianne “Tia” Nunn as they answer a series of questions.

What kind of decorations are your favourite to put up or see?
Tia: I really enjoy putting up Christmas tree decorations, especially the ones that have been used over and over in years past. Monk: I think the Colombian focus on having a manger scene "El Pesebre" is a lovely one which is also very meaningful as it reminds us of the main reason for the celebration.

What’s a favourite holiday treat?
Tia: I enjoy delicious fruit cake made a month before and matured with brandy. I like making it every year, and Andrew enjoys eating it every year! Monk: I enjoy English, Dutch and Colombian traditional seasonal goodies, such as English fruitcake, Dutch cookies like Spekulaas, Stroopwafels and Kruidnoten, and Colombian buñuelos and natilla.

What is a Christmas activity or event that your family likes to do together?
We love to sing Christmas carols around the tree, with guitar accompaniment, allowing each member of the family, young and old, to choose their favourite.

How does your family keep the focus on Christ in this season?
We seek to read together the Christmas stories directly from the gospels, and feel that singing is one of the best ways to be reminded that Christ should be the centre of our celebrations.

Do you have a word of encouragement to the Beacon community for Christmas 2021?
We think this is a special time to be both encouraged and challenged: like the old hymn reminds us: "we will praise Him for all that is past, and trust Him for all that's to come". Our Saviour has brought us through 2021, with all its ups and downs, so we have solid reasons to trust He will do the same for the uncertain 2022 we face. He is always faithful!