Monk's Musings: A Strange New Year Begins
Beacon Office
As we've been settling into The Wheelhouse, our new Canadian home since our return from Colombia, we collected some of our old pictures and framed sayings, and have been placing them in strategic places on the walls. It makes us feel more at home. One of the pictures is a Spanish rendering of Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
I don't know how your New Year is beginning. For us it included coming down with Covid19, staying in bed, and slowly recovering. At this point, I can't smell or taste anything. I hope that will return. There are other things I hope for, and others that I fear. And as this strange new year rolls on, God whispers to us: "don't be afraid, I am with you..."
One of our grandchildren had their birthday today, and as she looks to the uncertain future, the Lord comes alongside and tells us all: "be strong and courageous, do not be discouraged, the Lord will be with you." This is the promise HE makes us. This is HIS promise for Beacon Bible Camp. Let us trust HIM, and live one day at a time. Let us grow to love the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind, and seek to love our neighbour as ourselves.
With all our love and best wishes from Monk & Tia, from beautiful snow covered Beacon Bible Camp.
Joshua 1:9 in Spanish