Baking Weekend Wrap-Up
Luke LaRocque
I'll be honest - Baking Weekend is one of my favourite weekends of the year. We have amazing volunteers who dedicate so much time to creating the treats that our campers will get to enjoy over the summer! A definite added bonus is that every time I walk through the kitchen, I get to enjoy the wafting smells of various breads, cakes and desserts being prepared. What did we make this year? Check it out!
Cheese Biscuits: 1104 (including the ones we ate for lunch one day - oops! )
Brownies: 5 trays/3 muffin tins (402 pieces total)
Jungle Bars: 5 trays, (476 pieces total)
Banana Cake: 10 cake pans (576 pieces total)
Carrot Cake: 11 cake pans (672 pieces total)
Rhubarb Cake: 2 cake pans (128 pieces total)
Birthday Cakes: 9 (you better hope your birthday falls during camp this summer, they look great!
Some of the goodies packaged and stored in the freezer for later this summer! I can't wait!
Obviously, these baked goods don't even come close to covering all the needs for the summer, but it gets us so much closer, and it means that our hard-working cooks can have a break in the summer instead of having to create these desserts from scratch on the spot. Speaking of cooks: we still have a need for quite a few cooks to make sure that all our needs are met this summer. If you have availability to volunteer in the kitchen during summer 2017, we'd love to see you there. You can check our staff page (scroll to the bottom for staff needs) for more details!
And me? I think I'm going to be moving my office to the Dining Hall next June so that I can enjoy all the wonderful smells for a whole weekend.